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Woke Culture

Woke culture can be characterized as constantly making value judgements. Value judgements are judgements that try to figure out if something is morally good or bad.

Woke culture turns observations and cause-and-effect conclusions into moral judgements. For example, you can't talk about differences between racial groups, people groups, ethnic groups etc. because it may imply that some are better at some things compared to others, thus devaluing/dehumanizing the "losing" group.

This makes it difficult to objectively criticize or make observations, since you will be accused of dehumanizing some set of people.

For example, saying that men are stronger than women implies that men are better than women. Saying that fat people are unhealthy implies that fat people are morally worse people. Saying that immigrants commit more crime implies immigrants are worse people.

But the woke person will always seek to find the reason for making uncomfortable observations. Pointing out that gay men have more STDs than straight men is considered homophobic. But how can it be? It's just an observation / appealing to a study. But the woke person will ask: why point that fact out? Only homophobes say things like that!

And the woke have their own set of terms that they can apply to people:

And they will seek out to fit any observation to any of the above categories.

Woke people question the reason for raising questions that question the validity of their world view. This includes observations that make the woke look worse. To defend their positions, woke people try to reshape the question into a confrontation between the transgressor the victim. The transgressor is one the labels listed above. The woke will try to find ways how the observation could devalue the victim.