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Claim: God exists as a trinitarian entity in different ways.

The traditional Christian belief is that God is One, but exists as three "persons". The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. These are the three person of the Godhead. Maybe this is merely the personal side of existence of the trinitarian God?

The three person serve different roles. I will focus on the Son, which is the visible, manifesting one.

We could imagine that the natural world - space, time and matter - is a similar kind of trinitarian existence that represents God. The natural world is the creation of God, and thus it reflects God in every way. However, space and time are invisible to us, and only matter is visible.

Just like God becomes flesh in Christ Jesus, to reveal the personhood of God. His personhood becomes visible to us, for he becomes a man like us. So does God become matter, to reveal the Logos, the reason of God.

Like Christ obeys the moral law, matter obeys the law of reason, without fault.

Thus Christ represents the personal experience of conscious beings. And matter the natural experience, or something, I don't know yet.

The trinity manifests in our world everywhere. For everything is a relationship between two things. Just like the Holy Ghost is the relationship between the Father and the Son. Nothing exists in a void. Everything is relational.