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Masculinity and femininity are opposing forces. They push back against one another. They are both aspects of reality, neither one being better than the other. They serve different purposes, and create balance in the world Like Yin and Yang.

Masculinity represents Order, and femininity Chaos. But order must be not be mistaken for Good, and chaos for Evil. For they both serve their purposes.

Order is like a straight line. Predictable, never ending, one. Chaos introduces a turn on that line, causing unpredictability. Shapes begin to form as the line keeps turning in different directions. We begin to see plurality, instead of oneness. As the chaos begins to take shape, we again find order in the chaos. (fractal) The shapes begin to make sense, and become meaningful.

What once was just a straight line with little meaning, has become a multidimensional picture. There is meaning, above all things.

The line has become elevated, and to consider the line just a line would be too one-dimensional. The line has become more than just a line, for it has been given meaning. Now, what it means is what it is, and to reduce it to a mere line would do it no justice.

But this is not the end. The line beneath the meaning continues, and more shapes begin to form, and meaning multiplies. This meaning joins with the prior meaning, creating a plurality of meaning. This plurality, as well, is elevated to higher meaning, and so on.

As the picture becomes clearer and begins to make sense, it is joined with another, and our sense of order is once again shattered.

And so meaning requires both the masculine and the feminine, for without one there would be no meaning. Pure order is like a mindless robot, just doing what it has been programmed to do. Or perhaps an authoritarian state, where one's every move is being carefully monitored and controlled. Pure chaos is violent and unforgiving, where no-one ever gets to rest. In their purest forms, both order and chaos alone are hell.

But together, they produce meaning. Chaos liberates order from the mundane. Order contains the chaos and keeps it at bay. And this push back continues forever.

Order is control, and chaos is freedom. Truly, we need both.

Order is simple, chaos is complex. Truly, our world is both!

Just like God wants us to be free, and choose Him, He wants us to obey Him, allow His will to control us. Truly, it is the divine balance of the masculine and the feminine.

And so it is said that the woman makes the home. Because the man just dwells in a house, an apartment or in a space with four walls and ceiling. The woman shall introduce chaos into his dwelling, and it shall become a home. No longer is it just a house, it's their home.

But is God masculine or feminine? Certainly, God must be both, for all comes from God. But because God is eternal, never ending, static, One and holy, like a line, He is seen as masculine.