Agile team, 3 week sprints, retros, planning
1 lead developers, 2 other developers
2 testers
Product owner, UX/UI designers
React front-end development
- Functional components
- Redux state management, ducks pattern (actions)
- Lodash for functional patterns
- Unit tests (jest)
- e2e testing (cypress)
Java backend
- Spring boot
Jenkins CI
- builds
multiple applications
Strength: I noticed that I had an eye for noticing bugs and other issues
Responsible for observing and fixing a few UX/UI (visual) issues
- Removed janky visual behavior relating to modals, alerts, scrolling
Observed and fixed critical/app breaking bugs:
- Closing modals with ESC would make it impossible to open modals or click on buttons (user forced to refresh the page to fix)
- It was possible to add duplicate entries with unique identifiers (SSNs) and submit the form
- Also possible to remove entries "more than once" causing the app to break entirely (error screen, big red text)
Responsible for developing the OnePageApp proof of concept
- Refactoring
- Creating new components