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Carnivore apologetics

Personal experience

I have personally experienced an improvement in my health ever since adding animal foods to my diet.


Humans have evolved with meat eating. Eating meat has made us human, and indeed our human bodies are designed to break down and extract nutrition from animal flesh and fat. That is the default method of operation.

The flesh and fat of animals is the species appropriate diet for humans. Anything else causes early decay, disease, weakness and death, and is essentially animal abuse.

Answers to opposition

The fact that meat tastes good is not a valid reason for meat eating

Albeit a simplistic take, the fact that meat tastes good is a perfectly good reason to eat it. We don't have taste buds for nothing, but indeed we can detect nutrition (or what we think is nutrition) in what we eat. Meat is exactly that, nutrition and energy. Why do vegans keep making meat substitutes? Why do vegans want their foods creamy? Because that's what they crave, that's what their bodies want. Sadly, that desire will never be fulfilled until they eat animal foods.

Killing animals for food is immoral

I will make the bold claim and say that animals don't suffer, because they are not conscious beings. They are sentient beings, as in they "feel" pain, but they are not conscious. This means that there's no-one there to feel the pain, making pain nothing but a mere signal. Thus, if animals can't suffer, is there a moral issue here?

Secondly, I would like to raise the issue of health. Should we strive to be healthy? Is health a moral issue? I think it is, and since animal foods are the appropriate foods for humans, that's what we should eat. So I'm not trying to make an appeal to tradition, saying that since we've always eaten meat, we should keep doing it. But rather, an appeal to nature, saying that that's what we've evolved to eat and thus is the most appropriate food if we wish to prioritize health, which I would say is a moral issue.

Is human life valuable? If it is, is human health valuable? Or are we ok with keeping humans in a vegetative state?