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Arguments Against Abortion & In Defense of the Unborn

"My body, my choice!" It's a separate human being growing inside the womb, it's not your body.

"But it's in my body! I should be able to do with my body what I want!" If you stole someone's wedding ring and inserted it in your body, should you have the right to keep it?

"But the baby is not an object, it grows inside my body! I didn't insert the baby inside my body!" Yes, you did. You had to put something in your body to become pregnant. And the baby is not an object, but a human being, and hence enjoys human rights.

"It's not a human being, it's not even conscious yet and can't experience life like we can!" At the moment of conception, a human being is born. It's most definitely human. Don't human rights apply to the unborn as well? Do we value humans based on their capabilities to experience life? Who's to decide what kind of a life is worth living? What changes when the child is in the womb compared to being outside of the womb? Why shouldn't we abort the child when it's born? Why do we value the child once it's outside the womb?

"Ok, it's a human being. But it can't experience life like we can! So it doesn't deserve the same human rights!" Human rights apply to all humans. Otherwise they wouldn't be human rights. Is human value based on opinion? Is it ok to kill a born child, since it's not capable of experiencing the world like us? If not, then why not?

"Because it's its own separate being!" They always were.

"But in the womb it's a parasite! It wouldn't survive outside the womb!" A toddler wont survive without their parents either. Are toddlers parasites?

"If I want to keep the baby then you're not allowed to kill it!" So a mother's opinion of their child determines their value and humanity? What if a child is born but the mother doesn't want the child? Is the child not human, or has no value? Does the child not deserve human rights? Is it really up to the mother to decide?